drug abuse

Lawmakers Closer on $75 Billion Budget, Tax Cuts, Help for Neglected Children

Lawmakers closer on billion budget, tax cuts, help for neglected children
… such as substance-abuse and mental-health treatment, anger-management and parenting classes and domestic-violence programs. And Mark Fontaine, executive director of the Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association, said he… Continue reading

How Is Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Is Different From Mental Health Treatment?

Question by : how is alcohol and drug abuse treatment is different from mental health treatment?

Best answer:

Answer by Sharon
alchohol and drugs are addictions to a substance, which does affect the brain

mental health is stress and anxiety… Continue reading

Spanish Articles With Kids Using/abusing Drugs?

Question by G-Men10: Spanish articles with kids using/abusing drugs?
Spanish Articles with kids using/abusing drugs?


For my spanish class, I need to find at least two articles that has to do with drugs affecting kids in Colombia and any… Continue reading

How the NCAA's Pot Rule Left Mitch McGary's Career Up in Smoke

How the NCAA's Pot Rule Left Mitch McGary's Career Up in Smoke
One thing you learn from visiting lots of college campuses is that they're all pretty much the same. The party scene runs through beautiful rows of fraternity houses… Continue reading

What Can I Do to Get a Job Starting in Drug Abuse Counseling Before I Get My Degree?

Question by ohiamlost2002: What can I do to get a job starting in drug abuse counseling before I get my degree?

Best answer:

Answer by Aut-Echo
probably depends on the type of service,eg-is it drug addiction counciling on a helpline,or… Continue reading

How Is Drug Abuse and Addiction Different ?

Question by I need helo with drugs: How is drug abuse and Addiction different ?
this is homework for a class

Best answer:

Answer by speisenkarte
they’re not

Answer by David, but call me Dave
Just because you are addicted… Continue reading