drug rehabs

Where Can I Find Drug Rehabs in Los Angeles, California?

...  by ADAMARIS B: Where can I find drug rehabs in Los Angeles, California? My dad have been a drug user since I was 12. Am so sad that I can’t spend some time bonding with him because he’s always… Continue reading

How Will I Know Info About the Drug Rehabs in San Angelo, Texas?

...  by brisa ll: How will I know info about the drug rehabs in San Angelo, Texas? I have to get information on this for one of my classes. I’m not doing very good in that class and thus I… Continue reading

Looking for State Run Long Term Drug Rehab Facility?

...  care and outpatient treatment options to adult men and women with substance abuse issues. Specialized program offerings include residential or outpatient treatment for people with the dual diagnosis of chemical dependency and mental illness, relapse prevention, a women’s treatment… Continue reading

I Need to Find Drug Rehabs in Alturas, California, but We’re Low on Cash. Help?

...  by annie e: I need to find drug rehabs in Alturas, California, but we’re low on cash. Help? My husband got fired from his job because of his heroin addiction. I really want to get him into rehab, but… Continue reading

Can Somebody Please Tell Me How to Find Drug Rehabs in Conroe, Texas?

...  by allana a: Can somebody please tell me how to find drug rehabs in Conroe, Texas? I need to do this for a friend of mine who is asking for my help in getting himself treated for his heroin… Continue reading

Are There Any Drug Rehabs in Sandy Hook, Connecticut?

...  by regan: Are there any drug rehabs in Sandy Hook, Connecticut? Hello! I just want to ask if anybody here has an idea if there are any drug rehabs in Sandy Hook, Connecticut because I have to find one.… Continue reading