Will Going to a Drug Treatment Program Really Help Me?

Question by alysha_m: Will going to a drug treatment program really help me?
I feel like it’s just going to be a waste of money. Maybe I can just go cold turkey? I haven’t quit yet, but I think I can do it on my own.

Best answer:

Answer by daisha d
Engaging in a drug treatment program is going to help you. You said so yourself that you haven’t quit yet, which means that you don’t know if you’re going to experience withdrawal symptoms, and if you will be able to handle them. Getting medical help would still be best. But at least you want to quit. That’s already a huge step. You have to want this. You have to have strong willpower in order for you to go into abstinence. Try going cold turkey, if you experience any withdrawal symptoms, get medical help immediately. Money might be important, but this is your life that we’re talking about.

Answer by James M
The question you should ask yourself is: is it going to be to a disadvantage to try it. The answer is no. Just give it a go. If it isn’t right for you then you can try a different method. Good luck